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News in word & image

The news and other messages from 4 Smiling Faces. The latest message is at the top. For more news see our social media channels; use the buttons at the top of the website for this.

24 januari 2024



UN International Day of Education. Education is the key to a promising future and growing up to become the independent, productive young people that Nepal desperately needs. That is why we provide scholarships to young people who have to leave the homes where they grew up and are completely alone.


14 januari 2024


Sustainability is important to 4 Smiling Faces. We take good care of ourselves, our children and friends in Nepal and our surroundings. Here and now, there and later. We are CO2 neutral thanks to Plant N Boom and thus contribute to a better world.


31 december 2023

Old & New


Voor iedereen het allerbeste voor 2024. Laten we het veel beter, mooier, fijner, vriendelijker maken. Onze wens voor iedereen is geluk, gezondheid, verbinding, blijdschap en positiviteit.

Wij hopen dat jullie allen ons werk voor de kinderen in Nepal blijven steunen.



10 december 2023



Human Rights Day and World Light Day on the same day. Especially this year – with all the horrors happening in today’s world – a very important day to take a moment to reflect.
Let’s stay together. Let’s stay inclusive. Let’s remain tolerant. Let’s stick together. Let’s keep listening. Let’s keep talking. Let’s not be silent.
Above all, DO NOT remain silent. Especially DO NOT shout. Especially DO NOT swear. Above all, DO NOT exclude anyone. Above all, DO NOT divide.
Only together can we move forward


2 december 2023



Living with a disability is a challenge, always and everywhere. Especially in a country like Nepal where for so long having a disability or illness meant exclusion in all kinds of areas of live. Developments are moving in the right direction now that the rights of people with an illness or disability are officially recognized, but much remains to be done. That is why we continue to support children with a disability or illness in Nepal, so that they too can have a bright future. Will you help us help them?
