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News in word & image

The news and other messages from 4 Smiling Faces. The latest message is at the top. For more news see our social media channels; use the buttons at the top of the website for this.

5 maart 2024



It’s 4 Smiling Faces’ birthday today: 15 years young and full of plans. It started with a trip by our founder to Nepal: she went to see whether the children there were just as fun or perhaps more fun than in the Netherlands. The idea was a one-time trip. That turned out differently. She fell in love with the land and especially the children who live there. At the time, she could never have imagined that anno 2024 she would still be passionately committed to these children. 4 Smiling Faces now supports 150 children in 3 children’s homes and an after-school program in Kathmandu. And it works, because the homes are in better shape, the children are doing well and it is wonderful to see how they grow up into proud, hardworking adults who contribute to a better Nepal. And with your help we will continue!


29 februari 2024

Leap day


Schrikkeldag. Een extra dag. Een mooie dag om iets extra’s te doen voor mensen die je hulp goed kunnen gebruiken, zoals onze kinderen en jonge mensen in Nepal. Help je mee om hen opweg te helpen naar een kansrijke toekomst en opgroeien tot de zelfstandige, productieve jonge mensen die Nepal heel hard nodig heeft? Dat zou geweldig zijn.


21 februari 2024



As a charity, 4 Smiling Faces regularly receives large and small donations from unknown donors who wish to remain anonymous. Therefore, here is a public thank you to all anonymous and unknown donors. We are very happy and grateful for your generosity. With your donations, we can offer even more children and young people in Nepal a promising future. They (and we) are extremely grateful to you for that. 🙏🏽


24 januari 2024



UN International Day of Education. Education is the key to a promising future and growing up to become the independent, productive young people that Nepal desperately needs. That is why we provide scholarships to young people who have to leave the homes where they grew up and are completely alone.


14 januari 2024


Sustainability is important to 4 Smiling Faces. We take good care of ourselves, our children and friends in Nepal and our surroundings. Here and now, there and later. We are CO2 neutral thanks to Plant N Boom and thus contribute to a better world.


31 december 2023

Old & New


Voor iedereen het allerbeste voor 2024. Laten we het veel beter, mooier, fijner, vriendelijker maken. Onze wens voor iedereen is geluk, gezondheid, verbinding, blijdschap en positiviteit.

Wij hopen dat jullie allen ons werk voor de kinderen in Nepal blijven steunen.

