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Monsoon relief

Emergency relief

The NWCSS orphanage has been considerably affected by the to date more than 250 earthquakes and aftershocks since 25 April 2015. Fortunately, children and staff are safe. However, the building has suffered enormous damage in different places. So much so, that staying in the building is not an option.

Ever since that part of the children and staff reside in a few rooms in the adjacent school and the others in a Red Cross tent in the field near the home. They are working hard to find a better solution, but that is not easy in a city where many buildings are damaged.

4Smiling has provided the required emergency relief. That means money for all sorts of things like food, water, sanitary materials, and other items. Our local volunteers use that money to buy everything that is needed. We will probably have to do this long-term because all normal suppliers with whom the orphanage formerly did business are affected by the quakes as well. This also applies to local benefactors.

Soon, 4 Smiling Faces is in Nepal to see on the spot what more can and will be done.