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Checkup & medicine

The friendly Dutch GP Alice visited the NWCSS orphanage to give the children a much-needed medical checkup. She prescribed most children extra vitamins, and here and there are some throat tablets and eye drops.

Medically speaking, things are going reasonably well for the children. A single case of bronchitis, throat pain, and infected eyes notwithstanding. Nothing a little antibiotic or other kind of medicine can’t fix. 4 Smiling Faces provides the proper medicine.

There is however another problem that needs clearing: a contagious skin disease. The only thing you can do to get rid of it is to wash and dry all the clothes and bedding in one day and put them in black plastic bags in the – preferably – burning sun for 72 hours. All the kids need to take a big shower and a total body wash and rub with a special crème.  We will do this after the Dashain festival.