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Monsoon relief


The children of the NWCSS orphanage need all kinds of stuff, for school, for in the home, for hygiene, and much more. This time, the honor to provide all these things falls to 4 Smiling Faces.

Due to lack of adult supervision, the NWCSS children lose or break their stuff faster than in for example in the DRC. You can’t really blame them for that. Blame the leadership.

If the children do not have the right stuff at school, they run the risk of harassment or social exclusion, a real danger facing children living in orphanages anyway.

We can’t change the leadership of the home, even though we keep trying to make positive changes. This time due to the earthquakes they seem to be making good progress, but whether that will last remains to be seen. Nepal is a typical country for seeing is believing…let’s hope for the best.