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Monsoon relief
Lotus Family Foundation -

New outside roof

Work done

December 2022 and spring 2023

What is the problem?

The roof of the Lotus Family’s house is as leaky as a basket. The family is constantly placing and emptying buckets under the leaking roof.

What is the solution?

After years of repairs and mopping with the tap open, it is time for more drastic measures; the roof will be completely renewed. The work is being done in two phases. The first is the complete replacement of the rusted exterior of the metal roof. This means that the building is at least watertight and the (monsoon) rains can come.

Phase two is the replacement of the ceilings and other damage inside because they can no longer be saved due to years of leaks. This phase is planned for March/April 2023.

What is the result?

The family is dry, whatever the monsoon may bring.