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Testimonial Mangala

(Recorded in August 2023)

Since the summer of 2023 Mangala receives a scholarship from 4 Smiling Faces. She introduces herself.

She wants to become a lawyer and explains why.

Mangala would like to continue part of her education abroad and she already knows exactly where she would like to go.

She is very happy with the help and support she gets form 4 Smiling Faces.

Mangala thanks everyone who makes it possible for her to make her dreams come true.

Mangala looks forward to a bright future.

Note 4 Smiling Faces: The Nepalese culture is clearly completely different from the Dutch. The basic attitude of the average (Hindu) Nepalese is one of accepting fate, ‘don’t give up’ and ‘make the best of it’. That makes it extra important to listen and read between the lines in personal stories to hear what is not being said.