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Education & training

For some time now, all DRC children go to school. Previously, some children had to make do with some lessons in the DRC itself, because there was no affordable school they could attend because of their severe disabilities. That situation has changed, fortunately.

The children now go to five different schools; some in the immediate vicinity of the home, others further away. They always travel to and from school by school buses. The training and education of several children is paid for by sponsors (often former volunteers) from various foreign countries.

The schools of the DRC children vary in quality and facilities for the disabled. The DRC would prefer to send all children to the same school or at most two or three different schools of good quality in the immediate area, but there is not enough money to do so.

On school days (Sunday to Friday) after school hours there is a remedial teacher in the DRC to assist the children with making their homework.

Some children are in schools that are not suitable for their needs because there are little or no facilities or even obstacles for children with disabilities. (Think of a school on a hill that has stairs everywhere and you’re in a wheelchair). In that case, they are trapped in a small part of the school that is accessible. They can’t get around anywhere. Participation in school life is hardly possible. These children need to attend other, better accessible and facilitated schools where they can get around and fully participate in school life. That costs a lot of money. Contributing to achieving a fitting school/child match is important to 4 Smiling Faces.

Education and training are one of the largest expenses for the DRC. Any help and contributions in this area are always very welcome!