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Dear Ellie

(Written in March 2024)

This morning, I received a message from you ‘because you wanted to tell me about new developments in your life’. At first the message scared me because I was afraid you would tell me you were getting married. I don’t have anything against love and/or marriage, but you are still so young, and you have your whole life ahead of you. I just want so much more for you. The rest will come when it comes.

Fortunately, my concern was completely unfounded, because you are not getting married at all. 😅 You are going to spread your wings. You are about to leave for the United Kingdom, to continue your studies there and to work as a nurse, after you have passed the necessary entrance exam.

Thanks to a scholarship from the 4 Smiling Faces Foundation, you completed your training as a nurse in Nepal a few years ago. You have now gained several years of work experience, including during the Corona pandemic. Hats off to you and all your fellow healthcare workers! Now you want to broaden your horizons and go out into the wide world. Starting in the United Kingdom. What exciting developments. I am sure you will succeed.

I have known you since my first year (2008) in Nepal, when you were one of the residents of the Disabled Rehabilitation Center, where I at the time, worked for a few months. For me, that was the beginning of my Nepalese life and of course of the foundation. You have been part of it from day 1 and I am so happy about that. You were, are and will always be a dear friend. ❤️

I will never forget that in those first years you regularly asked me for help with your homework. Often, I could help you, sometimes I couldn’t, because math is simply not my strongest subject. What always affected me was that you did not think much of yourself. You thought you weren’t very smart and you didn’t know what you wanted to be when you grew up. In particular, your lack of self-confidence broke my heart, because I have always seen you as a nice, sweet, tough girl who has a lot to offer to the world. Much more than you realized yourself.

In 2024, I am more than happy to say that I was right. Dear Elli, you can do it, and you are doing it! You finished high school, completed your studies and gained years of work experience. You have been busy for months with all kinds of exams and a lot of arrangements that are necessary to come to England as a Nepalese nurse to continue learning and working. You can do it.

Now you are on the eve of the greatest adventure of your life so far and that will soon take you to Europe. I am very curious to see what it will bring you. The National Health Service in the United Kingdom will benefit from it in any case, because they will gain a hard-working, passionate, energetic and motivated nurse. And for me personally it is also great fun, because now I have another good reason to visit one of my favorite destinations.

During my next visit to Nepal, I will not meet you there for the first time. That will take some getting used to, but the knowledge that you are taking the next step in your life makes everything right. I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do and experience. Keep me posted.

Back in 2008, you really didn’t see it happening that you would ever go to college, earn your own income and shape your own life with your own choices. But you did it. You’re a real go-getter who doesn’t let yourself be discouraged by strong headwinds. You rolled up your sleeves and took on the challenge, with great results. That’s great to see and makes me very proud.

Always stay true to yourself, keep learning, keep growing and keep striving for the best for yourself and the people around you. I am convinced that you have a very bright future ahead of you. You do wonderful and meaningful work that helps many people. Live your passion, dream big and make them come true! As long as you dream, you will move forward and upward and you will only make your own life – and that of the people you love – better. You can do that and I sincerely wish that for you.

Dear Elli, I wish you lots of success and fun in this new phase of your life. Make something beautiful of it, work hard, stay loyal to family and friends wherever in the world and don’t forget to enjoy it. You will definitely make something beautiful of it and I am happy that I can witness that.

Lots of love, Tjitske

Ellie’s response

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks to Tjitske and 4 smiling faces for all your support and kindness. Your generosity and thoughtfulness have made a significant impact on me, and I am truly grateful for everything you do. I am forever grateful for your presence in my life.❤️

Lots of love, Ellie