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Clothes for Dashain

Work done


What is the problem?

On the occasion of the most important Hindu festival Dashain, children in Nepal traditionally receive new clothes and shoes. Unfortunately, this does not apply to the children of the SHCOP after-school program, because their families don’t have the money to do that. For that reason, the SHCOP honours the tradition. However, there is no budget for such extras.

What is the solution?

4 Smiling Faces makes it possible to honour this significant tradition for these children.

What is the result?

All children receive new clothes and shoes. For many of them, it is the only time in the year that they ever get something completely new, especially and only for themselves. 4 Smiling Faces does this not only because it is tradition, but especially because they really need it. It goes without saying that growing children regularly require new clothes regularly and can’t live forever with clothes that have already been worn out by older children. And if we honour an important tradition, that’s a bonus.