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Dashain clothes


October 2021

What is the problem?

It’s that time of year again: the main Hindu festival Dashain starts soon. Traditionally at Dashain children in Nepal get new clothes. For the after-school program SHCOP it is impossible to honour the expectations of the children. There is no money for things like that.

What is the solution?

4 Smiling Faces will honour this important tradition

What is the result?

All the kids have new clothes and shoes: for many of them, it is the first time that they ever get something new, and they are suitably impressed. 4 Smiling Faces does this not only because it is tradition, but especially because they really need them. It goes without saying that growing children need new clothes regularly, and by doing that we also honour an important tradition: Great!

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Goodbye Sylviya


December 2020/January 2021.


At the end of 2020, Lotus Family member Sylviya passed away at the age of 16 after a year and a half of serious health problems. In Nepal, saying goodbye to the deceased loved one involves many rituals over a longer period of time. There are costs involved. Saying goodbye to a loved one is always important, especially when children are involved. That is why we have ensured that the Lotus Family was able to say goodbye to their beloved Sylviya appropriately.

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Afscheid Sylviya


December 2020/Januari 2021


Eind 2020 is Lotus Family-member Sylviya op 16-jarige leeftijd overleden na anderhalf jaar gezondheidsproblemen. In Nepal gaat afscheid nemen van overledenen gepaard met vele rituelen over een langere periode van tijd. Daar zijn kosten aan verbonden. Goed afscheid nemen van een dierbare is altijd belangrijk, maar zeker als er kinderen bij zijn betrokken. Daarom hebben wij er voor gezorgd dat de Lotus Family op een gepaste wijze afscheid heeft kunnen nemen van hun geliefde Sylviya.

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Corona pandemic

Like the entire world, Nepal has been hit hard by the Corona crisis of 2020. The country has been in complete lockdown for months (March 24 to July 22). Many became unemployed and hunger and disease were given free rein. The borders were also closed many times during this period. hat has exacerbated widespread poverty and hunger.

Shopping was only possible until 10 am in the nearest store. People were only allowed on the street for (medical) emergencies. There were heavy checks by police and the army, and violators were punished severely. Food was scarce, and it was getting scarcer and much more expensive.

Neighbouring India regularly blocked the supply of fresh fruit and vegetables to Nepal. On balance, the quantity, variety, and quality of the fresh products offered in Nepal declined rapidly, with all the negative consequences that entailed. The prices of necessities soared and became completely unaffordable for more and more people.